The Maasai and the lions

A lion

Listen to the speaker talking about the Maasai and the lions and do the exercises to practise and improve your listening skills.


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Before you listen, try to match the lion fact with the correct answer. Have a guess if you don't know!

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For thousands of years the Maasai people in Kenya had no doubts about their relationship with the lions who shared the land with them. They were enemies. The lions wanted to kill the tribe’s livestock and the Maasai had to protect the animals. It was even part of the coming-of-age ritual of young warriors to kill a lion.

But now things have changed and the Maasai are part of a new East African scheme to protect lions, called the Lion Guardians. The aim is for local people to be trained to manage and protect the lions without involvement from outsiders after the period of initial training. The Lion Guardians are taught basic literacy, how to manage data, how to deal with conflict between humans and lions, GPS and telemetry tracking of radio-collared lions. Some of them also learn how to speak in public and how to blog.

The Lion Guardians monitor the lions and other carnivores and inform cattle herders when to avoid the areas where there are lions. They also help improve the livestock enclosures and educate people about wildlife. Helping find lost livestock is another important job. In the past these would often have been killed by carnivores.

If anyone is about to carry out a lion hunt, the Lion Guardians try and persuade them not to. Since many of the Guardians have killed lions in the past and are very experienced, they are highly respected in the community and are listened to by their age-mates, or peers, and often by their elders. They explain the importance of the lions to culture and tourism and how they can now be arrested for killing protected animals.

One such Lion Guardian is Olubi Lairumbe. He has killed seven lions in his lifetime. The last one was a lioness who was pregnant with five cubs. He regretted killing her very much, had a massive change of heart and volunteered to become a Lion Guardian. Olubi’s father used to hate lions and encouraged his sons to hunt them, but since Olubi became a Guardian, he has been advising them not to kill carnivores. Olubi was recently interviewed by Sir David Attenborough and appeared on the Africa documentary series.

Another Guardian, Mingati Makarot, is very good at tracking lions using his traditional skills and has a great knowledge of the area that acts as a refuge to many wildlife species. Mingati is a past lion killer but has completely converted to being one of its ardent protectors. His name, Mingati, is a ‘lion name’ given to him meaning one who is fast and doesn’t lag behind.

In the past, a moran (a Maasai warrior) received a lion name after spearing a lion. In Maasai culture the name represents the characteristics of both the warrior and the lion he has killed. A warrior with a lion name feels that he has achieved something great. When the successful warrior brings the lion’s mane and tail back to his manyatta (his home in the community) to be put on display, he is treated as a hero. Other young men who don’t yet have their lion names are called by the general name of ‘moran’. They long to have recognition and dream about the day that it will be their turn to bring home the lion trophy.

Now, this naming tradition is changing. The Lion Guardians experimented by giving lion names to boys who had not killed lions and it worked. Other young people called them by the lion names, then the older people did so too. There were still some boys who wanted to do something to prove their bravery, and they were assigned conservation tasks to do. Now young men can earn respect by protecting lions, rather than killing them.

Another change is that the lions are now given Maasai names and each has a card explaining who the lion is related to and which lions they keep company with. Personalising the lions helps them to be seen as individuals by the community.

Since the programme began in 2007, no lions have been killed in the area patrolled by Lion Guardians. Compare that to a similar neighbouring area without Guardians, where 63 have been killed, and you can see just how successful the scheme is. The Maasai have managed to successfully adapt their culture to changing times without giving up their identity.


What's your opinion of the Lion Guardians scheme? Is there ever any conflict between animals and humans where you live?

Average: 2.7 (9 votes)
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Submitted by Kostantinus on Fri, 02/26/2021 - 10:48

There are no conflicts between people and animals where I live. The Lion Guardians scheme is an excellent example how people can protect and conservate the species. I don't know them personally, but hearing about their great job make me respect those brave and worthy people. I remembered just right now that I've watched a program about Lion Guardians on Youtube a few months ago. They risk their lives every day, because of armed poachers. To sum up, I would like to say it would be great that more and more people on our wonderful planet realise how important to take care about the environment and the animals is.

Submitted by Vuquan on Sun, 08/30/2020 - 04:27

I have seen a lion in real life but that in a zoo, i don't have any opinion.

Submitted by Askar100 on Sun, 08/25/2019 - 17:49

Excellent material. I liked it. I think it is really important to earn respect by saving lions but not by killing them! Although lions are not pets, they are dangerous animals. They must be under control all the time!
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