The benefits of sport

Boys playing sport

Listen to the classroom conversation about the benefits of sport and do the exercises to practise and improve your listening skills.


Do the preparation exercise before you listen. Then do the other exercises to check your understanding.

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Teacher: Good morning, class.

Students' voices: Morning, miss / Morning.

Teacher: So, today we're going to carry on with what we were talking about last class which are the advantages of doing sport on a regular basis. Let's start by seeing how much you remember about the benefits of sport. I'm going to ask you some questions and in your groups I'd like you to answer them. OK, so the first question is, can you remember three of the specific physical benefits sport offers to the human body that we discussed last class? OK, Group B. What do you think?

Group B spokesperson: Um, well we've got two.

Teacher: OK, let's hear them.

Group B spokesperson: We think that doing sport reduces high blood pressure and the chance of getting diabetes.

Teacher: Absolutely. OK does anyone have any other advantages? Yes, Group D?

Group D spokesperson: Yeah, sport is good for your bones.

Teacher: That's right. It strengthens our bones, particularly while we are still growing. OK, we also discussed that sport can be good for our minds too because of the chemicals that our brains release when we exercise. Can anyone remember the name of these chemicals and how they make us feel? Mmm, Group A?

Group A spokesperson: Are they called euphoria?

Teacher: Not exactly. Anyone else? OK, Group B again.

Group B spokesperson: Endorphins and they make you feel euphoric or really happy.

Teacher: That's right. So sport can help us feel happy and put us in a good mood because of these chemicals that are present in our bodies when we exercise. It also improves our capacity to concentrate, which is why doing PE at school can actually help you do better in exams. OK, so that was basically what we covered last week and what we're going to move on to today is thinking about whether it's better for us to take part in individual or team sports. So let's have a quick show of hands to see what you think. Those who think it's better for us to do individual sports put up your hands. OK, thank you. And now those who think it's better to do a team sport? OK. Well, there are certain advantages to both individual and team sports, but, in my opinion, the benefits of team sport do seem to outweigh those of individual sport. Can you shout out a couple of examples of individual sports?

Group C spokesperson: Yeah, like, karate or swimming?

Group D spokesperson: And tennis.

Teacher: Good. Well, you won't be surprised to hear that in order to succeed in individual sport we need to have a fair amount of self-discipline to motivate ourselves, which is easier said than done for some people. However, with regular practice, it may be easier to see progress. Also, it's worth pointing out that our individual successes and failures are completely down to the individual, no one else. OK, I'd like you to have a think in your groups about the possible advantages of doing sport as part of a team as opposed to by yourself.

Teacher: OK, Group C. What have you come up with?

Group C spokesperson: Well, we were saying that it might be, like, easier to be more motivated to actually do a sport if you're in a team because you, like, you don't want to let anyone down, so you, like, always turn up for sports practice, you know, so you are sort of more committed to doing the sport.

Teacher: That's a very good point. Yes, being a team member certainly helps people feel motivated and make an effort to turn up and play on a regular basis. Well done, Group C. Any other ideas? Group D?

Group D spokesperson: Err, because it's boring doing sport by yourself and it's more fun if you're with your mates.

Teacher: Absolutely! And the sense of being involved and belonging to a group is very positive for most people. Some experts actually believe that belonging to a group or a team makes us less likely to suffer from depression, as members develop positive bonds between them. And there are other benefits too. When you work as part of a team you are learning to work together and rely on each other. Everyone is responsible for the success of the team, so there's less pressure on an individual and consequently it's less stressful. And finally, can you think of any skills you develop when you work as part of a team?

Teacher: Group A?

Group A spokesperson: Well, you need communication skills to talk to everyone on the team.

Teacher: Yes, very good, Group A. Any more? Group C?

Group C spokesperson: Err … could it be, like, negotiation skills?

Teacher: Yes, you need to communicate and negotiate with your fellow teammates. You also develop trust as you work together with others to achieve a common aim or goal, and all these skills are ones that come in handy in other areas of your life as well as in sport. So you can see that there are many all-round benefits to being in a team. However, perhaps, at the end of the day, the most important point is that you choose a sport you actually like, regardless of whether it's an individual or team sport.


Do you like playing sport? What are the biggest benefits for you?

Average: 4.8 (8 votes)
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Submitted by Sisyphus on Thu, 01/25/2024 - 12:28

I hate pushing the boulder every day

Submitted by lucalvesilva on Sun, 07/31/2022 - 16:57

I go to the gym every day I like that much. In my point of view the biggest benefits are the feeling of hapiness and joyness we feel, the chance to get out home and chat to people and avoiding diseases like diabetes.

Submitted by Caner on Wed, 06/01/2022 - 08:09

Exercising allows you to lead a healthy life by developing your body's bones and muscles.

Submitted by elomi963 on Wed, 09/08/2021 - 01:03

Exercise and sport are so important because they have a lot of advantages, when I was in secondary school, I have played voleyball, and after that, handball, and that made me more disciplined and healthy.
Profile picture for user mikasaa

Submitted by mikasaa on Thu, 07/01/2021 - 17:22

ı only like playing handball but I haven't played handball for 3 years. When ı was in secondary school , I changed my school that's why my old handball team was there :( I haven't a handball team now. I wish I had one.

Submitted by Wind on Sat, 01/16/2021 - 12:42

Thank you so much for teaching the important points. I have one thing I'd like to share about benefits of sports. I think sports could encourage others. It's essential especially in such a terrible condition of Covid-19. According to last year's news, a 10-year-old girl from UK raised about $8,800 by doing 7.1 million "keepy-uppies" — one for every essential worker at NHS. I was inspired by her activity. Don't you think that's amazing?

Submitted by Y_A_S_H on Wed, 12/23/2020 - 19:25

Group C was popping off.

Submitted by Wolfpaw on Sun, 04/26/2020 - 13:41

Sport is something I can't imagine being not a part of my lifestyle. It is a sort of theraphy or relief of stress, which prevents me from being in a negative mood. For exapmle, if I feel down or stressful especially during finals in school, it helps to escape my everyday life. I have to admit tho, sometimes I don't have the motivation to get up and do my workout but due to my regular exercise routine it became a habit for me to push myself at least everyday a little bit to get closer and closer to my goals. In my opinion everybody can find a sport that fits to them. If it's dance or rock climbing, it doesn't matter. As long as you're moving yourself and enjoying the process, that is the most important thing.
Profile picture for user Rymseizarv

Submitted by Rymseizarv on Sun, 02/16/2020 - 07:57

I've always felt gravitated towards the individuality and mental strength that implie sports such as running granted I can adjust the pace regarding my own standards. I know for a fact though, that nearly every sport, for the most part, requires in a great deal of psychological endeavor. Running, however, it's demanding in the sense of mindfulness, where it's just your mind against your physical condition and how much you can withstand the tiredness on your way towards your goal, it's a mindset which, is indeed subsequently extrapolated on a daily basis.
Profile picture for user fitnenpress

Submitted by fitnenpress on Tue, 01/22/2019 - 11:11

Yes, I like playing sport, but the main sport I like to play if I can is running or going to a gym instead of playing football or playing basketball. Before I enter the gym I'm utterly motivated, but this kind is not like the motivation that I have when I leave the gym, because, as the teacher says in the listening, it releases endorphins and this activity (for me) makes me feel very good and focused on the school subjects. Sport helps you to make friends, meet new people and has a lot of benefits, as well.
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