Episode 6: Caught (B2)

Agent Sanders is awake and she knows Kowalski will be coming for her. This is the sixth and final episode of The Survivor.


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Previously on The Survivor ...

Ambulance driver: There’s someone here! Oh my gosh. We've got a survivor here!

Nurse Bryson: She's in a coma, but her brain doesn't show any sign of damage, and her body is healing.

Officer Garner: A couple of months ago a bank truck carrying over two million dollars was robbed on the side of the highway. It was a professional job by an organised gang. The criminals were never caught, and the money disappeared.

Agent Kowalski: I need you to wake up, Agent Sanders. I need you to wake up and tell me where the money is.


Agent Sanders: The FBI agent. He isn't … he's a criminal. Very dangerous.

Minutes before the plane crash …

Agent Kowalski: Yes, I know. I know, all right?! Look, I just went to the warehouse to look for the money. It's not there ... I think Buddy has it. He took it. He took it from right under your noses. Anyway, I managed to track him down … Yes, I followed him! But I couldn't catch him. He got on a plane! A little plane, out here in the countryside. He can't go far. He's probably trying to go across the border, but he isn't going to make it. I'll make sure of that … Yes. Don't worry. I'll take care of it. And I'll take care of Sanders too. I think she's onto me and you guys. She was acting ... strange … I know! We'll get the money back, and I will take care of everything, OK? Just … just relax. Wait. I see the plane now. Something's wrong. Hey. Hey! It's going down. I gotta go. I gotta go.

Nurse Bryson: Hello? Hello, I'm trying to reach Agent Kowalski.

Agent Kowalski: This is Agent Kowalski.

Nurse Bryson: Oh, hello. This is Nurse Bryson. Agent Kowalski, you told me to call you if there was a change with Jane. Well, there has been a change. It's not very good, I'm afraid.

Agent Kowalski: What's happened?

Nurse Bryson: She's woken up.

Agent Kowalski: She has? But … but that's wonderful.

Nurse Bryson: Yes, but she's still in critical condition. She's awake now, but she's confused. She doesn't really know who she is or where she is. The doctors want to put her back into a coma, but I thought you might want to talk to her first. You see, she ... she might not survive.

Agent Kowalski: Listen. It's crucial that you keep her awake. I need to speak to her. I only need five minutes. But do not let her go back to sleep.

Nurse Bryson: OK. I'll ... I'll try.

Agent Kowalski: Nurse? Hello?

Nurse Bryson: Yes, in here. I'm with Ja---, I mean Monica. Monica? There's someone here to see you.

Agent Sanders: OK.

Nurse Bryson: I have to see some other patients, Agent Kowalski. I only ask that you please do NOT make Monica upset. Her condition is very delicate. Do you understand?

Agent Kowalski: I understand. Thank you. I only need a minute.

Nurse Bryson: OK, then.

Agent Kowalski: So. I suppose I should congratulate you on waking up. Do you have something to tell me?

Agent Sanders: You have to promise me. Promise me my brother will be OK.

Agent Kowalski: That depends, Sanders. It depends on if you tell me what I need to know.

Agent Sanders: Promise!

Agent Kowalski: All right. All right. I promise. OK?

Agent Sanders: Thank you. You want to know ... you want to know about the money.

Agent Kowalski: Yes, that's right.

Agent Sanders: You want to know where it is.

Agent Kowalski: Yes, I want to know where it is! Stop wasting my time.

Agent Sanders: How long?

Agent Kowalski: What? How long what?

Agent Sanders: How long have you been working with that crew of bank robbers on this?

Agent Kowalski: What do you mean?

Agent Sanders: Buddy. Buddy told me you were working with them. Said … said you'd gone bad. You're corrupt.

Agent Kowalski: And you believed him? I'm not working for anyone, Sanders. Sure I was helping the gang but only when it suited me. I'm not really working for them. Not them, not even the government. Not really. I'm just working for myself now.

Agent Sanders: And was it worth it? To do this to the Bureau? To let criminals go free? To threaten my brother?

Agent Kowalski: Are you kidding? It's two million dollars. You bet it's worth it. I'd do anything for that.

Agent Sanders: You're wrong ...

Agent Kowalski: Listen. I'm done talking. Tell me where it is … There isn't much time left. You hear that? You are going under again, Sanders. You're going back into a coma. If you want me to save your brother, you tell me right now where the money is.

Agent Sanders: You're ... you're ...

Agent Kowalski: Tell me!

Agent Sanders: You are under arrest, Kowalski.

Agent Kowalski: What? What are you talking about?

Officer Garner: Agent Nick Kowalski, my name is Officer Brian Garner. You are under arrest for attempted robbery, conspiracy and threatening a law enforcement officer.

Agent Kowalski: What is going on?

Agent Sanders: It's all here, Kowalski. I have it all recorded. Nurse?

Nurse Bryson: I set up the phone, just like you asked me to.

Agent Kowalski: ... Are you kidding? It's two million dollars. You bet it's worth it. I'd do anything for that ...

Officer Garner: Mr Kowalski, you are going to have to come with me.

Nurse Bryson: Monica! We did it!

Agent Kowalski: What ...

Agent Sanders: You're done, Kowalski.

Agent Kowalski: Well, enjoy this moment, Sanders. Enjoy it, since it's one of your last.

Nurse Bryson: Oh, I don't think so. My Jane, I mean, Monica, is doing quite well.

Agent Kowalski: But ...

Nurse Bryson: Oh, I told you she had only a short time to live? I'm happy to say that's not true. Monica is much better now. She should be on her feet in the next 24 hours.

Agent Sanders: I'll be at your trial, Kowalski.

Agent Kowalski: And the money ...?

Officer Garner: We just had a phone call telling us the location of the money. A police car is on its way now.

Agent Sanders: That was me, Kowalski.

Officer Garner: That's enough now. You're coming with me.

Agent Kowalski: I want my lawyer. Get your hands off of me!

Nurse Bryson: Well, Monica. That was exciting.

Agent Sanders: It was, wasn't it?

Nurse Bryson: What are you going to do now?

Agent Sanders: Now? I think I might have a little nap.


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Profile picture for user EHOF_95

Submitted by EHOF_95 on Mon, 09/16/2019 - 23:28

Is the best story that I ever heard. I'm from ecuador, and the same as Oxford or Cambridge this website is really good. The Survivor is the most interesting history that I resolved.
Profile picture for user ariina

Submitted by ariina on Mon, 03/26/2018 - 14:49

of course;it was wonderful and I'm so happy that the ending was good because i prefer happy endings stories....please put more stories like this in website and i just wanna say thanks for your wonderful and super-great website it really help me in learning English and its the best website that I've ever seen.
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