
Thursday, 30 March, 2017 - 07:27

'Beauty and the Beast', 'Logan' and 'A Dog's Purpose'

by LetticeBlogger

Over the past three weeks I have seen three new movies at the cinema: Logan, A Dog’s Purpose and Beauty and the Beast. This may not be unusual behaviour for some people but for me it is very unusual. I can go a whole year without seeing one movie let alone three! I wasn’t particularly interested in seeing any of the movies but I wanted to make new friends, deepen existing friendships, and avoid experiencing FOMO (fear of missing out).

I had made assumptions about each movie before I watched it: I thought Logan looked really cool because in the movie’s trailer I had seen a young girl fight a group of adult men and win; I knew very little about A Dog’s Purpose other than it had been accused of mistreating a dog during filming; and Beauty and the Beast was the film I was least interested in seeing because I felt indifferent about Emma Watson, Disney, and the Beauty and the Beast story.

Surprisingly my favourite movie out of the three was Beauty and the Beast! Within seconds of it playing, my original assumption changed. The songs, dancing, costumes and visual effects were outstanding. The movie made me want to style my hair like Belle’s, read more books and hand-make dresses. The movie made me laugh out loud lots and I wished it was longer.

My second favourite movie out of the three was Logan. I like action movies and Logan was filled with lots of action. It also featured a young female character that could speak two languages and knew how to fight. It was great seeing some girl power on the big screen!

A Dog’s Purpose was a heart-warming film. It was narrated by a dog that was searching for the meaning of life. The dog had lots of time to find out the meaning of life as he kept coming back to life after each time he died. Eventually the dog discovered the most important things in life are: having fun, enjoying the present and being part of a family. The most interesting part of the movie for me was that it was told from the perspective of a dog.


Have you seen any of these movies? If yes, what did you think of them? And have you seen any other movies recently?

Profile picture for user tyler durden

Submitted by tyler durden on Wed, 11/16/2022 - 13:54

logan was a pretty perfect wolverine movie

Submitted by Tolis5 on Wed, 07/21/2021 - 13:58

I have watched Beauty and the Beast and it's wonderful!I just love Emma Watson! P.S.Can sb from the Learnenglishteens team change my name into Bellatrix123??Thanks
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