Life around the world

Thursday, 7 November, 2013 - 17:01

5 Reasons to love winter!

by ReganS

British summertime has officially ended and winter has arrived! Even here in France, where I am currently working as a language assistant, winter is in the air. Here are my five reasons why winter is my favourite time of the year! 1. As soon as that gentle chill in the air turns into biting cold you know winter has officially arrived! However, the cold weather is a perfect excuse to switch to a winter wardrobe. Personally, I love wrapping up in thick scarves, woolly hats and knitted socks. Plus, a large number of patterned, 'ugly' jumpers appear in the shops ... there is nothing better than a big, cosy jumper! 2. One of the worst things about winter is how it gets cold and dark really early. However, this is the best time to stay indoors where it is warm and cosy. You can relax with a great book or entertaining film, knowing that the frosty weather is safely on the opposite side of the window! 3. Winter food is the best kind of food! Staying inside on a chilly evening calls for hot chocolate and cream, warm apple juice or copious mugs of tea. Mince pies and other seasonal treats appear in the supermarkets, just begging to be served warm with cream. Winter vegetables can be roasted or turned into steaming bowls of healthy soup and winter fruits can be baked into yummy pies. Plus, if the cold weather is forcing you to spend the day indoors, there is plenty of time to bake a fruit cake, assemble a gingerbread house or experiment with the abundance of seasonal recipes that pop up across the internet. 4. It can be not very nice how early in the evenings it becomes dark. However, it is perfect for viewing fireworks. November 5th is Bonfire Night in the UK, meaning all across the country you will see vibrant lights decorating the sky. Also, Christmas lights get switched on in town centres, often with a switching-on ceremony. This is when everyone gathers in the street, often with music, games and food vendors, to witness the lights being turned on, sometimes by a celebrity. The country becomes illuminated with colourful lights, cheering up the dark, winter nights. 5. This is perhaps a pretty obvious one but once winter has arrived you know that Christmas is on its way, bringing with it a collection of delicious food, vibrant decorations, heart-warming films and television specials, festive events and activities, jolly music and time spent with love ones.
What is your favourite thing about winter? Do you have a favourite winter meal?

Submitted by shush123 on Sun, 01/31/2021 - 08:22

My favorite thing about winter are the cold mornings and the snowy and rainy days plus my favorite holiday is in winter. The name of the holiday is Novi God which means "new year". The whole family gathers on the 31 of December we eat tasty food and gift each other gifts. my favorite winter food is Pelmeni

Submitted by oiertxu on Tue, 01/12/2021 - 15:54

I like winter too. My favorite thing is thet we have 2 weeks of holiday. In this holiday we celebratet Christmas and I like it because we have a lot of presents. I like Christmas decorations too. Also I love playing with the snow doing a snow man and having a snowball fight.

Submitted by noklut on Wed, 12/30/2020 - 08:14

I like about winter that all of my family is at home. And i like when it's dark outside.

Submitted by rg on Wed, 12/30/2020 - 08:07

I love winter too! But I'm no more living in northern region, and for me if there is no snow - no winter, no New Year or Christmas mood, no holiday... But it's better than summer heat! Really miss real winter.

Submitted by googlewooloo on Tue, 12/29/2020 - 10:13

I was raised in the southern part of the United States, so I never had the "Christmas/winter experience". What I love about winter is how romanticized humans take a season and make it so festive.
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