Life around the world

Monday, 25 November, 2013 - 09:08

A winter weekend in Belgium

by NatalieH

This weekend I was lucky enough to spend my Saturday and Sunday in Belgium. This trip to Belgium seemed the perfect opportunity to explore another culture and get to know the fellow students, like myself, who were working and studying away from home for the year.
Brussels is such a beautiful city, although I thought it seemed rather small to be a capital city. The square in the city centre is full of rich architecture and there are lots of hidden cafés, sweet shops and souvenir shops that make it feel as if you are in a Harry Potter movie! Once we arrived my friends and I got to work exploring Brussels; we went to visit the famous sites such as the statue of the weeing boy, the majestic town hall and of course, we did not forget to visit the famous Belgium chocolate shops.

One of the highlights of my afternoon was definitely eating a real Belgium waffle. We found somewhere that sold waffles for one euro and quickly ordered ourselves this Belgium speciality. After all, it would be rude not to eat to a Belgian waffle when we were in Belgium!
In the evening we went out for a meal with the rest of the students on the trip; it was good fun getting to know other students who were experiencing living abroad for the first time. After the meal we were taken to a bar to taste some of the famous Belgian beer, I had a cherry beer and it tasted exactly like juice, which was the strangest experience.

On the Sunday we visited the city of Anvers. The city is famous for its fashion museums and being a lover of fashion, my friends and I wasted no time exploring these museums. I thought these museums were incredible and they really showed the differences in fashion throughout the years. I would even say that they are better than one of the fashion museums I visited in Paris. After this little excursion, it was time to return home.

I felt very fortunate to have spent such a lovely weekend in Belgium. The weekend really made me realise how lucky I am to be working abroad for the year. I have so many opportunities to meet people from all over the world; for example when I ate my lunch on Sunday I was sat on a table composed of people from six different nationalities. The chance to travel around Europe so easily and with similar people to myself is certainly a luxury.

I will definitely be keeping my eyes open for the next student trip!


Do you ever go on weekend trips with other students? Would you like to spend a year living in another country? 

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