
Wednesday, 6 November, 2013 - 15:30

Chocolate festival!

by TeresaC

A few weekends ago, a friend and I, both spending this year abroad in the south of France, decided to go to the chocolate festival, known as the ‘Feria du Chocolat’ in Beziers! I’ve never been to a food festival before, so it was a new experience for me. I had a fantastic time - although I have never eaten so much chocolate in one day! There were stalls selling boxes of chocolates, sweets, dessert wines, jams, and crepes. All the stall owners were very friendly, explaining their methods of making chocolate, showing us photos of their factories, and, of course, letting us try their products! My friend bought some chocolate cups, which I think is a great novelty - you drink your drink, and then you can eat the chocolate cup! We then went to a masterclass where we learnt how to make truffles and big chocolate buttons of piped chocolate topped with dried fruit and nuts! To make the truffles, we rolled balls of ganache into a big pot of melted chocolate, and then covered them in delicious toppings - pistachio nuts, broken crepe pieces, cocoa powder, dried coconut and even little bits of dark chocolate. They tasted delicious, and we all got to take some home with us! I was planning on saving them for when my family come to visit - but unfortunately they were too tasty, so I’ve already eaten them all! I was a little nervous before the masterclass, as there were only 12 people in a class, and I wasn’t sure if my French would be good enough to understand everything! Luckily, everyone was extremely friendly - the lady next to me was making notes of everything we did, so she explained when I didn’t understand. At the end, our class stayed in the room and chatted about how much we were enjoying the day of eating lots of chocolate!
Have you ever been to a food festival before? Have you ever tried to make your own chocolates? How much chocolate do you eat?
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