Life around the world

Thursday, 10 November, 2016 - 11:32

Life in Germany: the good and the not bad …

by HannahBlogger2

It takes a lot of bravery to move house. It takes even more bravery to move abroad. When I did just that two months ago, I was worried that life here in western Germany would be completely different from life in Britain. In some ways, I was right to be worried – in other ways, I was wrong. Let me tell you all about the positives and negatives of being new here in Germany.

1)    The first thing I found difficult about moving to Germany was that the food was very, very different from British food. I can’t find cod and chips anywhere and I am really missing Scotch eggs! (Search for those on the internet. They’re bizarre yet so tasty.)

2)    However, the first positive thing about moving to Germany was that I got to try so many amazing foods for the first time! Why had I never experienced Currywurst before coming to Germany? I can’t imagine my life without it nowadays!

3)    Another thing I found strange about Germany was the weather. I am British, so I am used to unpredictable weather – but I was not expecting such warm weather in the beginning of September! I had definitely brought too many coats to Germany and not enough dresses ...

4)    On the flip side, I absolutely love the autumn weather that we are having in Germany right now. The orange leaves from the trees have me reaching for my camera every time I step outside. I cannot wait for it to start snowing, as I know Germany is beautiful when it snows.

5)    The last thing I found difficult about moving to Germany was the realisation that my friends and family were so far away. The fact that everyone I loved was a three-hour plane journey away made me very sad. I call my friends nearly every day just to make sure that they still remember who I am!

6)    On the other hand, I have to admit that I’m not too lonely. I have made new friends out here in Germany who are lovely and very friendly. I have become more confident when talking to strangers, and I am now more independent. I can now do things on my own that would have made me very nervous before, even in England!

So that’s it! Notice that every ‘bad’ thing about life in Germany can also be considered a good thing too – whether it’s the food, the weather or the distance from my loved ones. Ich liebe Deutschland!


Have you ever moved house or moved abroad? What was it like for you?

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