Life around the world

Tuesday, 29 November, 2016 - 13:58

Long distance love

by EllenBlogger

So, being away from home is great fun, until you meet someone who becomes the reason you don’t want to be away. How do you cope? Here you can find nine tips on how to survive being away from your other half.

1. Communicate!
This is probably the most important point on this list. It’s hard being away from your boy/girlfriend, but you have to let them know how you feel, as they can’t read your mind and instantly know when there is something wrong!

2. Skype/phone dates
Arrange Skype or phone dates at least twice a week and preferably at a time when you can talk without having to rush, or without being interrupted or distracted.

3. Arrange dates when you will see each other in person
Not only does this give you something to look forward to, but it also allows you to make plans for the next time you will be at home.

4. Surprise them with little presents/I’m thinking about you
There’s nothing better than receiving a note or a letter or present in the post to let you know that your other half is thinking about you.

5. Keep a diary and give it to them when you get home
This way you can write down all the little things that happen to you, which you can both read and remember your experience in years to come.

6. Keep busy
The busier you are, the less homesick you are and the less you miss your significant other. Plus, you get to fully experience the culture you are immersed in!

7. Always make time for them, no matter how busy you are
Whether this is sending them a text or phoning to say 'hello' quickly at lunch time, make sure you have enough time in the day to speak and ask them how their day is going.

8. Let them know you miss them
Your boy/girlfriend will know you miss them, but it’s always nice to be reminded!

9. Listen to music together
Have a mutual playlist that you listen to, with songs which remind you of each other. When you hear a song you both like, you’ll smile!

And finally, enjoy your time whilst it is your own, but remember that it isn’t forever and that you will be back together soon enough. You just have to keep positive!


Do you have a boyfriend, girlfriend or close friend living far away from you? How do you cope without them, and how do you stay in touch?

Submitted by LinhNguyen_2208 on Wed, 11/27/2019 - 03:59

To me, if I have a long distance love, I will follow these tips because it’s reality and useful. I and my boyfriend should keep in touch, if not maybe we break up quickly. I will take care of our love as much as I can do.

Submitted by GabrielaLora on Mon, 05/21/2018 - 23:52

I have never had a long distance relationship but if one day it would be a good idea to follow all the indications because it helps you to keep te comunication with that person, anyways i think it would be very dificoult because It is not the same to be talking to someone face to face than to be talking on videochat, a call or a chat with someone who is in a different city or country to yours, it could be dificoult to the people who are very close to their family and friends but this publication is very usefull for them because it guides you. now with all the technology is very easy to comunicate with a lot of people no metter where they are and if you really care about the relationship you would do whatever it takes to take care of it.

Submitted by sofiasuarez09 on Mon, 05/21/2018 - 22:41

Yes, I have a close friend living in United States. Her name is Manuela and she is my friend from I had 10 years old. I remember that when we had that age we loved to play voleibol, and also she always stayed with me, but then when I had 13 years old she had to go away. On the another hand, in this moment we talk a few times through of whatsApp because she is a basketball player and she don´t have time. Also we do fires on snapchat and this allows that I know about her.

Submitted by alejandroaguinaga208 on Mon, 05/21/2018 - 17:49

I have a friend in argentina, she and i talking about of much things for whatsapp, we know in santa marta when she was travelling in colombia, since then she and i speak for cellphone and whatsapp, she really good, she sometimes write me or i write it to she, the true is that i dont know when she back to colombia to see her again.

Submitted by Corchuelo on Mon, 05/21/2018 - 17:49

Hi, i have a girlfriend living in Australia, i am from Colombia, and the distnace from Colombia to Australia is quite large. I met her here in Colombia two years ago , in my work, we worked in a call center in a telecomunications company. I cope without her, because i understand that she left Colombia looking for a better future, she went to Australia to learn english and start her medicine studies in a country with better oportunities, and by love i dont prevent that she leaft me because i know that she went for a better future. I stay in touch with her in the weekends by Skype.
Profile picture for user Yoon

Submitted by Yoon on Mon, 05/21/2018 - 17:49

I've had one boyfriend one year ago, he's from Argentina, I met him on a facebook group about our favorite kpop groups, so, one day he texted me and that's where all our kinda short story began, I remember we usted to make plans in order to meet each other, he even saved a lot of money so he can buy a ticket from argentina to colombia, unfortunately we broke up. I have a lot of friends by distance, i met them in a facebook group, whatsapp groups or rol groups, I always try to talk constantly to my friends by writting them or calling them so we can keep our friendship, i have friends from Argentina, Chile, Venezuela, Ecuador, UK, Korea, China, Japan and many more countrys and I always learn a lot from the different cultures.

Submitted by Nicolas1682 on Mon, 05/21/2018 - 17:48

Yes, I have had friends from a distance, I had a friend in Mexico City, I met her when she was ten years old and due to work things her father moved to Mexico and went with him, She and I were very close and although she moved so far away. we keep in touch for some years by skype and messenger A year ago, she and I lost contact, so we did not talk for a few months but a few weeks ago she wrote me and told me everything that had happened to her in the months we did not talk In these weeks we have brought up to date what has happened in our lives since we parted
Profile picture for user Lummi

Submitted by Lummi on Mon, 05/21/2018 - 17:48

Andrés In this moment I don't have long distance friends, but years ago, my brother have a trip around Europe and he stayed in London around a month to study for a certificate, he went on November of 2014 and he come back in April of 2015, was to hard don't see my brother in the house, because, he helps me too much in homework's, making the house clean... too much things, it is the reason why was too hard when my brother went to Europe.

Submitted by JScaballero on Mon, 05/21/2018 - 17:47

I think that is so hard for some people who have a real best friend, on my own personal situation, when I was a toddler, I enjoyed myself when I spent time with my best friend called Danna, I remember we used to play in the school at the break time. Unluckily, I had to move to another secondary school, from this moment to the last year I losed any contact with she. I looked for Danna in the social media, and fortunately I found her digital profile. Actually I chat and sometimes spend time with she like doing plans or simply talk about our lifes. That was hard for me but I "still alive".

Submitted by Dalejopuentes on Mon, 05/21/2018 - 17:46

yes I do, i have some friends in USA, specifically in California in los Angeles and was when i studied there 5 years ago, I knew some people in la sierra school, and they are vere nice friends and they help me all the time when i need for somethings of the leanguage and with the school too some of my friends here knew spanish and they can help me so much with all things that i need and was a very nice experience to know this people because i can learn some important things and i can pass a good time with them later that i returned to Colombia i chating all the time with them and was very nice but as the time passed we couldn´t to continue to chating because they don´t have some time in sometimes and we move away a lot, but some times i write them and they answer me

Submitted by kevinZR on Mon, 05/21/2018 - 17:45

my cousin lives in USA

Submitted by denyneira12 on Mon, 05/21/2018 - 17:45

I have never had a long-distance girlfriend, but my cousin did, and it did not go very well. He had been with her for 2 years, she traveled to USA for her work. For the first six months everything was going well, but my cousin met a new person in his university, as he dad been several months without seiing , make the decision to being with this new person without telling anything for his other girlfriend. One year later she visited her family here in Bogota and she found out about the new relationship that had been her boyfriend, but she also had a new person in USA and it had been six months. In conclussion, the long-distance relations don´t work, There are many factors that could force the person to find a new partner, perhaps due to loneliness or other needs.Obviously at the moment of making this decision you are only thinking about your own welfare and not about the other person's.
Profile picture for user Lummi

Submitted by Lummi on Mon, 05/21/2018 - 17:42

In this moment I think I don't have close friends living far away from me, I just have one friend that lives in another city and I think our friendship is so nice, I really love him, he is a really nice person that always tries to improve my mood and makes me laugh a lot, I thank fate for putting him in my way, I'm very thankful for all the things that he does for me, and well, we usually talk to each other by Whatsapp or Facebook, it's good, because, yeah I know that it isn't the same talk to each other face to face but it's what we have. However, like 3 or 4 years ago I had a lot, really A LOT of close friends living far away from me, I had friends from Argentina, Chile, Peru, Mexico, and other countries, and I really loved them, I sometimes think that I miss them, but I also think that it was better to walked away from them.

Submitted by Sofia18 on Mon, 05/21/2018 - 17:42

One of my closest friend called Juana life far away from me, and also she usually travels a lot, so it's so difficult to gather with her, because sometimes I am so busy or she's so busy or she's not in the country for this we don't gather each other, but even with that we never lost the conection. What we usually do is to write each other of how we are doing and thinks like that, we also have snapchat that it's a social network, wich you can do like "fires" with a person even if that person is at the other side of the world and you do this sending a photo every day, so that's what we do, we send one or more photos of whatever every day to keep the "fires" and I consider that snap is a good way to keep conecting with the people, because doing this kind of thinks with other person can generate immediatly a for conversation, and it's only this kind of thinks the reason why I still speak with her, in other way the friendship would just end a lot time ago. Also we try to see each other in person even if it's just one time in the whole year, due to that helps to keep the friendship with her, and I seriously love her, because she is a really good friend of mine.

Submitted by angemp1204 on Mon, 05/21/2018 - 17:40

No, I don’t, and I’m glad I don’t because I think that is a really hard situation. But my brother lives in a different city, I miss him every time and sometimes I need him to talk or something like that, but I’m happy because he is doing what he wants, sometimes we can talk because of the nowadays technology, but it is never the same. I consider that a friendship or a relationship is hard to keep and more if you are far away from the other, because sometimes if you are fighting with your friend, you can see each other and talk about the problems that you had, but if you are in front a computer and you have to solve problems like that, it is less real.

Submitted by Jsesusdavidg on Mon, 05/21/2018 - 17:40

Well I've a cousin out of the country and I've not seen her for a while, l think it's not Really complicated to keep talking with her, I usually talk with her by Facebook chat or by skype and when she arrives to the country she allways visit me and ask me if I want to go for a Ride or something and when she leaves the country we Keep in contact as much as we can.

Submitted by Anonimo0817 on Mon, 05/21/2018 - 17:39

Well, I don't have a boyfriend or a closer friend living far away from me, no, I have a brother living far away from me. He actually lives in Australia, in an island calling Gold Cost. He went there because he wanted study something about his career, but at the same time he needed work, and Australia offer his both things. It's so hard for me 'cause my brother is an important part for my life, he help in all the things since homeworks, to privated problems, he always has stayed for me, in all the situations. Fortunately, we talk everyday for whatsapp, sometimes for a text, or for a videocall, so that's fantastic because we can continue speak between us, and I'm so happy with that.

Submitted by zxcv on Mon, 05/21/2018 - 17:39

i never had this kind of situation with a close person,along the years i had some friends that moved to another country but not to special friends. when i was younger i had lived this situation like four or five times , even they where my friends i never suffered for it , it was like ok for me. the same hapends when i am the one who move to another place, i remember them, but along my life as i already said i never suffered for it.

Submitted by sergiofonseca7 on Mon, 05/21/2018 - 17:38

Yes, a close friend, I've known him since I was nine years old, he's my brother's friend, and he's helped me in many things since I've known him, I have great appreciation and affection, I've met him playing soccer with my cousins and my brother, he's 23 years old and is an architect He is close to me because he has taught me things about his career, he has taught me things in soccer and how to handle problems. In recent years I was used to seeing him every weekend, but a few months ago he went to study English in Canada, and although things have not been the same, keeping in touch is easy, as we talk by skype or whatsapp very often, It is true that the most complicated thing is to manage the schedules, but when we speak it is very funny and it helps me in many things.

Submitted by LuisMi3212 on Mon, 05/21/2018 - 17:37

Julián: i have never had a girlfriend living far away from me but when I come to live to bogota I used to talk with a girl all the days because she was really near to me also all my family live in another city, I call them or text them all the days to have a good communication with them because I trust a lot of all my family.

Submitted by LuisMi3212 on Mon, 05/21/2018 - 17:30

I met a girl when I was living in United States, her name is Barbara, I stared talking to her because I needed to be with her in a work of esol, after that she texted me and asked me if we can streak, and she was in my school bus, actually she lived really closed to me, it was a stop bus of difference. Then we get to know each other better and we have a lot in common like music, we love Ariana grande a lot, and she sings very well. Every time I go to visit my dad in United States we hangout a lot, we go to malls and all that stuff, and we don’t really talk a lot now but we streak in Snapchat so we know about our day everyday, she says that I’ve changed a lot but I think she stills the same.
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