Life around the world

Thursday, 29 November, 2012 - 22:26

The hype of Christmas

by SabrinaG

Christmas in Britain seems to go on for most of the year! As soon as it starts to get cold people begin counting down the days until Christmas. As much as I love the Christmas period, I feel that starting the celebrations so early detracts from the true Christmas spirit.

At the start of November one of my neighbours had put up their Christmas tree and decorations. Christmas songs have already been playing on the radio for weeks and most of the adverts on television are advertising Christmas food and gift ideas. The radio and local newspapers are always reporting some ‘celebrity’ turning on the Christmas lights in local shopping centres and towns. Pubs and restaurants put on over-priced Christmas menus all through November and December forcing everyone to eat turkey and mince pies. The supermarkets are filled with Christmas ‘party food’ and cafés are selling turkey and cranberry sandwiches. It is just impossible to escape from the Christmas hype.

I, like most people, enjoy Christmas but I think it should last for two weeks, not two months. Instead Christmas has become commercialised. We are persuaded to buy things that in reality we have no need for; how many reindeer jumpers and snowman slippers can one person have!

The things I love most about Christmas are already being spoilt by being done to the extreme. By the time Christmas comes I will already be sick of the over-played Christmas songs and have had enough of mince pies and Christmas jumpers!

Luckily as soon as January comes around and Christmas finally ends, the shops will move on to their next endeavour; selling Easter eggs!


Do you celebrate Christmas? Do you agree with Sabrina that there's too much hype surrounding Christmas?

Profile picture for user KemoF

Submitted by KemoF on Mon, 12/24/2018 - 13:12

Yeah, I agree... While listening to the over-played Christmas songs, I often wonder what Christmas is for?? Are we really celebrating Jesus?? Now Christmas seems to be closely linked with a commercialized culture, not with religious and traditional culture. Anyway.... ☆・:.,;*(。・ω・。)ノ☆Merry X’mas☆ ヾ(。・ω・。)`*:;,。・★
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