
Sunday, 10 November, 2013 - 16:21

Marathon running for charity!

by TeresaC

In April next year, I am going to run the London Marathon! The London Marathon is one of the largest marathons in the world - last year there were 36, 748 runners! Many runners choose to run for different charities, so often you can see runners in fancy dress - from people wearing clown costumes, to people dressed up as chickens, to cartoon characters... I’m very excited because, although I have run half marathons before, and done 5K and 10K races, I have never run a whole marathon before. It will be a fantastic challenge, and I’m very excited about seeing all the city landmarks along the way! A marathon is just over 26 miles (42 kilometres), so I have a lot of training to do before the big day! I have spent the last two months in the south of France, and I have been eating croissants, baguettes and cheese, and drinking wine, so I haven’t been following a marathon diet! However, I have found some lovely rural trails to run, and, as a result, I’ve explored the local area and have seen lots of beautiful countryside. I love running because, although it is much slower than cycling, it allows you to really see everything around you properly. I’m not a very fast runner, but I always make sure I enjoy every run I go on! I have been a member of lots of different running clubs, and I have made so many friends through running. As well as the marathon being a fitness goal, I am also running for charity! It helps me with my training because it motivates me - especially in winter, when it is cold and dark, I don’t always want to go out for a run, but knowing that I am supporting a good cause always helps me. Fortunately, I won’t be running in fancy dress - I don’t think I have enough energy to carry a costume around the course too! - but I have been advised to put my name on the front of my jersey so people can cheer my name on the big day!
What sports do you like to do? Would you like to run a marathon one day?
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