
Friday, 27 September, 2013 - 09:33

The Beautiful Game

by SteveM

I have played football all my life and could happily sit here and type pages and pages about the reasons why it really is ‘the beautiful game’. Today though, I just want to tell you about some of the opportunities playing a sport or just having a hobby that you are passionate about can really help you, especially in a different country.

I have lived in Vienna for 2 years now and through football have met some wonderful people and had some great times. The two main teams here are Rapid Vienna and Austria Vienna (why they are called Austria Vienna I don’t know, it’s like calling a team Italy Rome or Spain Madrid, weird). The whole city seems to be divided between the two teams so when I meet new people here they often ask me, ‘are you green (Rapid) or purple (Austria)?’ This makes the games between the two teams, the Vienna Derbies, very special. Hopefully I get to go to one this year.

There are lots more sides to football than just sitting and watching though of course! I have played lots with friends I have met in Vienna and I don’t have a regular team yet but hope to change that in the next month! I also coach football here which is fantastic. I have to do everything in German (try shouting orders at kids in German for an hour!) and getting to see how my time and effort makes children as young as 4-5 have a great time is the best part of the job. The parents are also always friendly and eager to see where my accent is from and what I’m doing in Vienna!

So football, the thing I have been doing since I was 4 with my Dad is the thing that helps me get out and meet new people in a great world city. No matter what your hobby is, go out and do it! You’ll be surprised where it can take you. 


Are you a football fan? Do you like watching or playing the game most? 

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