Boost your memory

Boost your memory

The tips and ideas in this section will help you to remember things.

Your memory plays an important part in preparing for exams. The tips and ideas in this section will help you to remember things, but people learn things in different ways so try some of them and see which ones work best for you. For example, some students like to see information written down, some prefer to listen to information and others learn better while they are walking or moving around.

Try out these different ideas. Which ones help you remember best?

  • Use pictures and visuals to help you remember things. For example, to learn vocabulary, use a picture dictionary.
  • Make diagrams and mind maps. For example, make mind maps for different topics of vocabulary or use tables to record word families.
  • Write notes and then use highlighters and coloured pens to focus on important things. For example, use different colours to highlight pronunciation or different grammatical words.
  • Look at your diagrams, mind maps or highlighted notes again a few hours later or the next day. The more often you look at your notes, the more you will remember.
  • Write things down. 
  • Stick pieces of paper around your room with notes and look at them regularly.
  • Use your mobile phone or an online voice recorder (there are lots of free voice recorders online) to record your voice. Record yourself reading your notes and then listen to the recordings.
  • Study with a friend. Explain things to each other and ask each other some questions. If you like listening to information, this will help you remember.
  • Read out loud (or record) just the main points you have underlined or highlighted.
  • Listen to your notes regularly. The more you listen, the more you will remember.
  • Connect new information to things you already know. For example, when you learn a new meaning of a word, think about the meaning you already know. Is there a connection?
  • Read your notes aloud while you walk around.
  • Go for a walk with a friend and test each other while you are walking.

Which of the tips above do you find most useful? Tell us which of these tips you already do.

Average: 4.7 (3 votes)
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Submitted by d3loscobainn_ on Wed, 07/05/2023 - 16:16

i think reading with your voice and than tell yourself is best, for me.

Submitted by Isna on Tue, 10/20/2020 - 22:54

I think study hard useful for me, but i'm often lazy
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