Online safety conversation

Listen to the conversation and do the exercises to practise and improve your listening skills.


Do the preparation exercise before you listen. Then do the other exercises to check your understanding.

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Charlie: Mum! That's my computer!

Mum: I know, I know. Don't worry, I'm changing your privacy settings.

Charlie: Privacy settings?

Mum: Yes. There are privacy settings on your social networking sites. Your account is totally public at the moment, and you're logged in!

Charlie: Oh. What are the privacy settings for?

Mum: To make you safe online. You want to be safe, don't you? And for the right people to see your information, not EVERYONE.

Charlie: Everyone?

Mum: Yes. If you don't change your privacy settings, when you upload a photo, anyone can see it. It's important to change them so only your friends can see them. You don't want everyone to see everything, do you?

Charlie: No! But I can delete things, can't I?

Mum: Well, you can, but it's very difficult. Some things stay there forever.

Charlie: That's really scary, Mum.

Mum: Don't worry, but you must learn how to stay safe. You mustn't tell anyone your password!

Charlie: I won't!

Mum: Crazy Charlie one two one, isn't it?

Charlie: Mum! Yes, it is. How …

Mum: It's on your notebook. Right there. On your desk. It isn't a very secret place, is it?

Charlie: No, it isn't.