Exam help messages

Read these messages and do the exercises to practise and improve your reading skills. 


Do the preparation exercise first. Then read the messages and do the other exercises.



Sam, HELP!!! It's exam time. I need your help. You're good at exams ...

Joe 11:30

Haha! Yeah, I can help you. You're my favourite cousin! wink

Sam 11:31

yes Thanks. What can I do? I have lots to learn and not much time.

Joe 11:31

Don't worry – plan your time. Make a timetable.

Sam 11:31

How many hours a day do I need to study?

Joe 11:32

Well ... start studying 3 or 4 weeks before your exams. The first week, study about an hour a day.

Sam 11:32

That isn't too much!

Joe 11:34

No, it's not much at all. Choose a couple of days to have free too.

Sam 11:34

Free days? Are you sure?

Joe 11:34

Yeah, it's important to do other things. You need time to do your normal homework and see friends too.

Sam 11:35

And play football.

Joe 11:35

Study for an hour and a half a day the second week. And the week before exams, you can study for two hours a day.

Sam 11:36

Every day?

Joe 11:37

No. You can have some days free for football and TV.

Sam 11:37

wink wink wink

Joe 11:38

The important thing is to write everything in a timetable and then do it!

Sam 11:38

Cool. It sounds quite easy.

Joe 11:38

It is! Try it! Start now and plan your study timetable.

Sam 11:39

You're the best! Thanks. yes

Joe 11:39

Good luck!

Sam 11:39