Are you a good digital citizen?

Do the quiz to find out if you're a good digital citizen and then do the exercises to practise and improve your reading skills. 


Do the preparation exercise first. Then try the quiz and do the other exercises.


Are you a good digital citizen?

Try the quiz and check your result at the end.

1. Do you believe all the information you see on the internet?

A. No! I always check that information is true.

B. I don’t really think about the information being true or not.

C. I believe everything I see online.

2. Are you interested in modern technology?

A. Yes, I love learning and reading about all kinds of modern technology.

B. I’m interested in some modern technology but not everything.

C. I’m not at all interested in modern technology.

3. Are you nice to people online?

A. Yes, I always think carefully about what I am saying and doing online.

B. I think I am polite most of the time but I don’t always think before I write.

C. I don’t think much about what I say and do online.

4. Do you know how to stay safe online?

A. Yes, I am very careful about things like my privacy settings and passwords.

B. I think I am safe but I am not sure about things like privacy settings.

C. I don’t think there are any dangers online so this doesn’t worry me.

5. Do you think carefully before you share a photo?

A. Yes, I always ask myself ‘Would I be happy to see this photo?’ If the answer is ‘yes’, I share it.

B. I know that’s probably important but I don’t always stop to think.

C. I just share photos without thinking. I don’t really worry about what people think.

6. Are you confident that you always follow your country's laws online?

A. Yes. I never download illegal files or copy other people’s work.

B. I don’t know much about the law, but I know not to copy other people’s work.

C. Hmm ... I don't think laws are important when you go online.

Mostly As

Congratulations! You’re a good digital citizen. You know how to use technology in a safe and sensible way. You also know how to enjoy technology for study and play. Well done!

Mostly Bs

You aren’t a bad digital citizen but you could be better! Think carefully when you are online and ask questions if there are areas you don’t understand.

Mostly Cs

Oh dear. You need to work on being a good digital citizen. Learn as much as possible about how to behave online or you may find you get into trouble one day.