Episode 3: A coincidence (B2)

Agent Sanders is investigating a robbery and has nearly found the stolen money. This is the third episode of The Survivor.


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Previously on The Survivor ...

Ambulance driver: There's someone here! Oh my gosh! We've got a survivor here!

Radio: Witnesses say they saw the plane take off and then crash into a nearby field. There are reports of two people dead, and one in critical condition.


Nurse Bryson: You have a visitor, Jane. Agent Kowalski from the FBI.

Agent Kowalski: How is she?

Nurse Bryson: Well, you should ask the doctor. She is very lucky to be alive. She's in a coma, but her brain doesn't show any sign of damage and her body is healing.


Agent Kowalski: I know your real name, Agent Sanders. Wake up soon.


One month before the plane crash ...

Agent Kowalski: Agent Sanders, what have you been up to? You didn't check in last night.

Agent Sanders: I know. There were ... complications here. Some problems. I can't talk about it now. Not on the phone.

Agent Kowalski: Do we need to meet?

Agent Sanders: Not yet. Just give me another 24 hours.

Agent Kowalski: We're partners, Sanders. You can't keep me in the dark like this ...

Agent Sanders: This is not a secure line. We don't use names.

Agent Kowalski: Whatever. Fine. Have you found the money?

Agent Sanders: I think so. I'm close. I can't say any more right now.

Agent Kowalski: Yes, you can. You can ...


Nurse Bryson: Good morning, Jane! How are you? ... Oh dear, that’s the doctor. Just a second. Yes? No, our Jane Doe is fine. But … let me check her charts. Hmm. The charts say that yesterday there was some change ... Well, it looks like her heart was beating faster. Her breathing was also faster. As if she were under stress for something. But there was no other change. And now she's back to normal, I think ... Yes, doctor. Of course, doctor.

Officer Garner: Hello? Are you ... Nurse Bryson?

Nurse Bryson: That's right. Can I help you?

Officer Garner: My name is Officer Brian Garner. I'm with the local sheriff's department. Sorry it took so long for someone to come out here.

Nurse Bryson: That's quite all right, officer. What can we do to help?

Officer Garner: I'm here to see your mystery patient, and ask you a few questions.

Nurse Bryson: Well, I've already told your friend from the FBI everything.

Officer Garner: FBI? Friend? What are you talking about?

Nurse Bryson: Agent Kowalski. The young man who was here yesterday.

Officer Garner: Hmm. Strange ... Nobody told us this. Did this Agent … Kowalski show you any identification?

Nurse Bryson: Yeess ... I think so. I didn't pay much attention though. I mean, I've never seen an FBI identification badge before, so what would I know?

Officer Garner: Don't worry. The FBI never tell us anything. Let's talk about your patient. Do you have any identification for her here? Clothes, personal items, jewellery? Anything like that?

Nurse Bryson: There were some clothes, yes. But no identification. We think it all burned. We're calling her Jane Doe for the moment.

Officer Garner: Hmm. Jane Doe. OK. Listen. Here's my card. If those guys from the FBI show up, can you give me a call? It would be good to share any information you find.

Nurse Bryson: Of course.

Officer Garner: I wonder ...

Nurse Bryson: What is it? Do you think Jane is in trouble?

Officer Garner: I don't know. But I wonder if this whole thing is connected with the big bank robbery a few months ago.

Nurse Bryson: Robbery?

Officer Garner: Yeah. A couple of months ago a bank truck carrying over two million dollars was robbed on the side of the highway. It was a professional job, by an organised gang. The criminals were never caught, and the money disappeared.

Nurse Bryson: But what does that have to do with Jane?

Officer Garner: The last place the truck was seen was near that airport. And the FBI was here. They follow bank robberies. Well, it's probably nothing. Just a coincidence. You'd be surprised how many coincidences we get in police work. Anyway, I'll let you get back to work. Good afternoon.


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Submitted by Mifis on Sat, 11/13/2021 - 20:25

Very useful !
Profile picture for user Chocomint

Submitted by Chocomint on Sat, 01/11/2020 - 09:30

In the previous episodes we are not sure that Jane can hear or not but when Agent Kolwaski talked to her and he said he knows who she is really surprisingly she can hear it even she’s been in a coma. I hope she will wake up as soon as possible to clarify everything. I don’t know if Agent Kolwaski is a good or a bad person
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