Pros and cons of mobile phones

Gemma is sick of being ignored while Sam is on his phone. They discuss the pros and cons of being constantly connected.


Do the preparation exercise first. Then watch the video and follow the instructions to practise your speaking.


Gemma: What are we like?!
Sam: What do you mean, ‘what are we like’?
Gemma: I mean … look at us! We’re here, we’ve met for coffee and a ‘chat’ and we’re not even talking to each other.
Sam: Hang on … What did you say? Sorry, I didn’t catch that.
Gemma: ‘What did you say? Sorry, I didn’t catch that.’ Er … maybe that’s because you’re not listening to me!
Sam: Yeah, yeah, sorry. I was just sending a message. I was multitasking! I’m with you now.
Gemma: Yeah, but I don’t think you can send messages and talk to someone in real life at the same time! That’s my point. The real-life person should come first. Don’t you think?
Sam: Er … yeah, but sometimes you just need to send a quick message. I don’t think it’s rude. In fact, I think it’s rude to ignore messages, actually.
Gemma: Yeah, I suppose so. You’re right in some ways … but for me, the biggest disadvantage of having a mobile phone is that we’re constantly being distracted from what’s happening in the real world!
Sam: Yeah ... but in a good way. You can carry on what you’re doing, and you can keep up with your friends at the same time.
Gemma: Yeah, there are a lot of advantages … but when you’ve got one of your best mates sitting right in front of you, maybe it’s time to switch off?
Sam: You mean … actually switching off our phones right now?
Gemma: Shall we? What do you think?
Sam: Er, OK. It’ll give me something to post on Facebook later.
Gemma: Yeah, come on! Honestly, we haven’t had a good chat in real life for ages.
Sam: All right – you’re absolutely right.
Gemma: OK! Brilliant. On three then!
Gemma and Sam: One … two … three … off! 
Sam: Wow! We did it.
Gemma: That didn’t hurt too much!
Sam: Not yet.
Gemma: I’ve got a plan! Let’s just leave them off until we finish our drinks.
Sam: Yeah, that might be a good idea.
Gemma: We’ve just got to focus on the advantages! It feels so weird knowing no one can contact me.
Sam: Yeah, it does … but I like this feeling of freedom. I’m going to keep mine off all day.
Gemma: Wow. Really? Now that is something to post on Facebook. ‘Sam survives a whole day without his phone!’

Gemma: What are we like?!
Sam: What do you mean, ‘what are we like’?
Gemma: I m___ … look a__ us! We’re here, we’ve met for a coffee and a ‘chat’ and we’re not even talking to e___ o____.
Sam: Hang on … What did you say? Sorry, I didn’t catch that.
Gemma: ‘What d__ y__ say? Sorry, I d____ c____ t___.’ Err … maybe that’s because you’re n__ listening t__ m__!
Sam: Yeah, yeah, OK, sorry. I was just sending a message. I was multitasking! I’m with you now.
Gemma: Yeah, but I don’t think you can send messages and talk to someone in real life at the s____ t____! T____ my point. The real-life person should come first. D____ you t____?
Sam: Err … yeah, but sometimes you need to send a quick message. I don’t think it’s rude. In fact, I think it’s rude to ignore messages, actually.
Gemma: Yeah, I suppose so. You’re r____ in some ways … but for me, the b______ disadvantage o__ having a mobile phone is that we’re constantly being distracted from w____ happening in the real world!
Sam: Yeah ... but in a good way. You can carry on what you’re doing, but you can keep up with all your friends at the same time.
Gemma: Yeah, there are a lot of a_________ … but when you’ve got one of your best mates sitting right i__ f____ o__ you, maybe it’s time to switch off?!
Sam: You mean … actually switching off our phones right now?
Gemma: Shall we? What d__ y__ t____?
Sam: Er, OK. It’ll give me something to post on Facebook later.
Gemma: Yeah, come o__! Honestly, we haven’t had a good chat i__ r___ l___ for ages.
Sam: All right – you’re absolutely right.
Gemma: O__! Brilliant. On three then!
Gemma and Sam: One … two … three …
Sam: Wow! We did it.
Gemma: That d____ hurt t__ m___!
Sam: Not yet.
Gemma: I__ g__ a plan! Let’s just leave them off until we finish our drinks.
Sam: Yeah, that might be a good idea.
Gemma: We’ve just got to focus o__ the advantages! It f____ s__ weird knowing no one can contact me.
Sam: Yeah it does … but I like this feeling of freedom. I’m going to keep mine off all day.
Gemma: Wow. Really? Now that is s________ to p___ on Facebook. ‘Sam survives a whole day without his phone!’


How much do you use your phone when you're with your friends? What do you think are the pros and cons of mobile phones?

Average: 5 (4 votes)
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Submitted by dustinthewind on Tue, 01/23/2024 - 12:32

For me It's a very good subject because I am also addicted to my phone: I watch films, videos on it and I like it, I couldn't live without it. But sometimes it's important to make other activities For exemples spending time outside with my friends or doing sports.

Submitted by САРА on Tue, 07/18/2023 - 10:24

On the one hand, a phone is really good thing, I like watching series and youtube, reading books or googling something on it. From the other, I hate chatting with my friends online, I think it is so unnatural. It is okay to text to make a decision where you want to go to spend time together or to text a quick question which cant wait but spending hours in online chat instead of talking in person is weird. The exception is when your friend is currently too far away from you.

Profile picture for user LamaFromMinecraft

Submitted by LamaFromMinecraft on Sat, 01/28/2023 - 08:52

I never use my phone when I'm with my friends because our only place to meet is our training so we just can't use our phones and we're OK with that.
I think the biggest disadvantage of mobile phones is that people can use them as a weapon against each other like to hurt someone's feelings or even put someone's life at risk...
And the advantage is that in case of an emergency you can quickly call for help
PS: I am so sorry to hear that 1mhdi1 hope you are fine :)

Submitted by Titi on Tue, 09/27/2022 - 19:00

For me there are some good and bad points about having a mobile phone: the good points is that you can talk to your friends even you're not with them, or discus with new people, have new friends. You can also read things watch some movies or series. When you met a new person that don't live next to yu you can keep contact to see each other. But somtimes it's hard to just stop using them because it's addictive and then we spend to much time on them. Somtimes I see my friends and we're all on our phones so it's boaring and there no more interrest to see each other you know. On my point mobiles phones are verry usefull and distractive but we have to find the juste balance or it's no more good for us.
Profile picture for user Cherry blossom

Submitted by Cherry blossom on Sun, 01/29/2023 - 11:36

How do you think a just balance can be found? Will switching off our phones help in this?

In reply to by Titi

Profile picture for user Freshka

Submitted by Freshka on Wed, 08/17/2022 - 10:12

I hardly ever use my phone when I'm with my friends. Real life should come first. But I disagree with the statement that we have to switch the devices off. To be honest, nowadays it's impossible. For example, you work online, or you're waiting on an extra important message that you can't miss. If you are under eighteen and you go outside, you have to be in contact with your parents. They will be worried if you don't answer them. But if you use your phone to scroll the social media or chat with other friends, it's rude. The person can be angry with you that you chat with your colleagues instead of talking with him/her. Unless two sides said, "Okey now, we have time to check our phones for 10 minutes". Maybe it's a stupid example, but you know what I mean. Generally, I think that online devices waste our time and distract us. We should use it only in necessary cases.
Profile picture for user Gunay

Submitted by Gunay on Wed, 06/01/2022 - 07:05

My pronunciation is improving

Submitted by Arivelde on Mon, 05/03/2021 - 16:24

When I am with my friends, I don't really use my phone, I prefer to distinguish the real life from the phones. Although they do not turn of the eletronics and leave it on their pockets or bags, like me, so sometimes I am there the only one without my phone in the hand. Phones are good for talking to friends and to do much more important things like work and school, but if you stay with it all day and take it everywhere, it can do real damage in your social skills and in your health. So all of us need to know how to moderete our time in the phone and live more the real life outside.
Profile picture for user Kostantinus

Submitted by Kostantinus on Wed, 02/24/2021 - 20:02

I think, when you have a meeting with your friends it's better not to pay attention to your phone. In that way your communication can be much better. But as for me, I sometimes check the messages or answer my parents calls. Maybe they have to tell me something important. Actually when I check my mobile phone during a meeting I apologize for that. That's definately not good. But I understand, some people's work connected with their phones, so there is no way to put a phone away. And I want to mention about adwantages of swiching off a phone. That's a freedom Jack mentioned about.

Submitted by zwakyla on Tue, 03/23/2021 - 07:42

I certainly agree with you. However, when we're doing discussing at a meeting, it will be better not to pay too much attention to cell phones. Unless there is something very urgent and we can give permission to use our phones. But no matter how, we must listen and respect the people who speak in around. if someone calls while the other person is talking, we can reject the call first and call back when the discussion is over.

In reply to by Kostantinus

Submitted by Aniki on Sun, 02/14/2021 - 11:13

So i think, that using phones when we are with friends is sometimes great because you can show your friend some photos, games or something else, but if both of friends are on phones..... They just don’t know what to talk about, or they just bored. If you are with your friend just put phones away and talk together. On phone you can be at home.

Submitted by nimdini on Fri, 10/30/2020 - 13:47

I never use phones while I spending time with my friends. I like to talk with them.I like to see their faces with beautiful smiling.I think mobiles are useful.But not all the times.Sometimes I hates mobiles.

Submitted by Stasiia_Ukr on Tue, 10/20/2020 - 07:02

I don't like messeging, because you can spend that time for much more important things.

Submitted by Orgitohaxhi on Sat, 09/05/2020 - 13:18

I sometimes use my phone even when I'm with my friends. There's a lot of pros and cons to be honest.

Submitted by Vuquan on Fri, 08/28/2020 - 03:35

I just use a bit because i like talking with friends. The pros are we can chat with friends fast and searching in google quickly,... The cons are we just focus in the phone too much and we not talking to friends, parents,...
Profile picture for user Xuka

Submitted by Xuka on Wed, 08/12/2020 - 04:56

I rarely use my phone when I'm with my friends. There is something important, I will go out and handle it. So, I also don't like my friends to use their phones when we meet. In my opinion, some of the advantages of the phone are: contacting someone anywhere and anytime easily by calling or texting; relaxing by watching movies, reading and listening to music at the same time; or even learning any subject. The smartphone can become a camera, an alarm clock, a notebook, a voice recorder ... and so on. But everything has two sides. Smartphone also has many disadvantages if we use it in the wrong way. First of all, we waste lots of time to play with it. Then, we don't concentrate on our works, our study. And the biggest disadvantage is that we’re constantly being distracted from what's happening in the real world. Thus, let's use your smartphone smartly!

Submitted by Ian_reynoso on Tue, 08/11/2020 - 19:23

I think that as a society we already spend a lot of time on the cell phone and we no longer socialize as much due to the devices.

Submitted by helenblack on Tue, 07/28/2020 - 15:11

I very rarely use my phone when I spend time with my friends. Actually, in my life I use my phone once in a while because I'm not a phone addicted. I think phones have more negative effects than possitive effects.For example, they emit a lot of radiation to their surroundings, if we use phones for hours on end, they can negatively affects body development, they have negative effects for our health and psychology.

Submitted by Thapa01 on Wed, 06/17/2020 - 06:36

I don't use my phone when am with my friends. So phone is very important in life. You get many important news related to world. But now people are so much attached with phone and they have no times for each other . Even children are using phone for games and all the time they play games and they are not interested in their studies. So we have to use phone only knowing to good things and news.

Submitted by Bliblablub on Fri, 04/24/2020 - 11:33

I think both are right. But mobile phones have many advantages that help us to chat and keep in touch with our friends. At the other hand I would say, that if you meet a friend you have to put it away so that you can talk easialy. Another important thing is, that we have to learn how we use the phones so that we have enough time for doing sprt or other things. In my oppinion I absolutely agree to the video and I hope my friend could have seen this video.

Submitted by Theresa on Fri, 03/27/2020 - 07:49

I really agree with Gemma. It‘s rude when meet up with somebody and they are only on their phone. I don‘t think you have to turn it off completely but the other person needs to show you that you are more interesting than their mobile phone. Otherwise it’s nonsense to hang out with them because you could be on your phone when you’re alone.

Submitted by AndreeaCG on Sun, 03/22/2020 - 10:25

I seldom use my phone when I'm with my friends. Unfortunately, if I hang out with my best friend, I tend to check my notifications. In general, I try to switch off my phone in order not to seem rude. In my opinion, the biggest advantage of having a mobile phone is that it allows you to keep in touch with your relatives and friends anytime. You can also use it to go online and find information for your school projects and homework. Nowadays, the Internet improves knowledge. For example, there are so many useful websites for students and applications for every subject. Using your camera phone is convenient. After all, you own it and carry it with you. Another advantage is that you can use your mobile phone to call for help in an emergency. On top of that, watching movies and TV series, playing mobile games and getting involved on social media are good ways to overcome boredom. In the other hand, mobile phones have negative effects on our physical and mental health. Sleeping with your phone could increase the risk of brain cancer. Besides that, these devices may ruin your eyesight. Eye strain, myopia or dry eyes may occur. Smartphones make people distracted and unproductive. Teenagers are no longer able to hold face-to-face conversations or communicate effectively in person.

Submitted by BiAryn on Sun, 02/24/2019 - 11:38

When I'm hangout with my friends I usually not use my phone but guess what!? My friends busy with their phone and ignore me, they prefer to make an instagram story and send messages on Whatsapp with other peoples to talk with me. The more features that contain in phone and social media, the more you get ignore by your friend while you hangout with them.

Submitted by Anishka on Wed, 07/18/2018 - 19:38

I usually don' t use my phone when I am with my friends, but I use it a lot to contact them when we are apart especially on snapchat. I think the mobile phone is very useful to keep touch with friends and it helps you not to feel alone. Furthermore, it is the main way to ask for help when you are in danger if you get a signal. On the other hand, spending too much time in front of the phone's screen would do bad to your eyes and also make you feel bored. Use your phone wisely!

Submitted by wittymodestboy on Sun, 05/27/2018 - 20:41

To be honest, what might actually surprise some of you, I rarely use my mobile phone when I am with my friends. I totally disagree with Sam's opinion that using mobile phone is not rude. Naturally, there are some extraordinary situations when it is advisable to check out your phone and send a quick massage or pick up call, but generally we should focus on our conversation and person we are talking with. The pros and cons of mobile phones. Students, scholars, businessmen have been kicking (debating) about it for ages. That is exquisite topic adequatue to write immense research work. Although it is extremely tough to present the most important facts, briefly, I face the challenge. Advantages are: You can quickly inform someone about something (useful when something broke up or someone got hurt) You can easily find out about anything, which in particular helps in school. Mobile phones really raise awareness. Disadvantages are: You are constantly being distracted from what’s happening in the real world It's dangerous to use it while doing activities such as driving or crossing the street. (result of this we have seen after Pokémon was launched - mortal cases) Thank you, all patient and persistent people who have just read it. Hope you enjoyed!
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Submitted by 1mhdi1 on Mon, 04/01/2019 - 16:13

I wish I could be like you but my friends doesn't even let me talk when I am with them. So just to make sure that I am there and I am also a human being which has some social importance I use my phone to wonder around the social (online one) world.

In reply to by wittymodestboy

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