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The learning materials in the different sections on LearnEnglish are organised by English level based on the Common European Framework of Reference for languages (CEFR).

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Can you write a caption for this wacky investigator?

Photo captions
Language level
A2 English level (pre-intermediate)
B1 English level (intermediate)
No votes yet

Listen to the conversation and do the exercises to practise and improve your listening skills.

A1 listening
Language level
A1 English level (elementary)
Average: 4 (23 votes)

Look at the film review and do the exercises to improve your writing skills.

A2 writing
books and literature
Language level
A2 English level (pre-intermediate)
Average: 3.1 (16 votes)

Here's another mystery photo! What might this be?

What is it?
Language level
A1 English level (elementary)
A2 English level (pre-intermediate)
No votes yet

What's this all about?! Can you write a caption for this photo?

Photo captions
Language level
A2 English level (pre-intermediate)
B1 English level (intermediate)
No votes yet

Look at the job adverts and the CV and do the exercises to improve your writing skills.

B1 writing
summer job
Language level
B1 English level (intermediate)
Average: 3 (5 votes)

What a cute pair of potatoes! Can you write a caption for this photo?

Photo captions
Language level
A2 English level (pre-intermediate)
B1 English level (intermediate)
No votes yet

Look carefully and think hard! What could this picture be?

What is it?
Language level
A1 English level (elementary)
A2 English level (pre-intermediate)
No votes yet

What's going on? Can you write a caption for this bizarre photo?

Photo captions
Language level
A2 English level (pre-intermediate)
B1 English level (intermediate)
No votes yet

This will get you all thinking! What could it be?

What is it?
Language level
A1 English level (elementary)
A2 English level (pre-intermediate)
No votes yet

Fred owes Sam money, and Sam needs it back. Will Fred produce the cash in time?

B2-C1 vocabulary
Language level
B2 English level (upper intermediate)
C1 English level (advanced)
Average: 5 (1 vote)

There are over 75,000 homeless young people in the UK who have nowhere to live. A YMCA is a safe place for these young people to live and the people who work there help them to improve their lives. In this video some young people living at a YMCA talk about why they are homeless and their plans and hopes for the future.

Short films
Language level
C1 English level (advanced)
No votes yet
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