Discussing exam results

It's a big day for Jack as he's just got his exam results. Is it good news?


Do the preparation exercise first. Then watch the video and follow the instructions to practise your speaking.


Makayla: Oh, hi Jack. How’s it going?
Jack: Hmm, all right ... not great.
Makayla: Have you got your exam results?
Jack: Yeah …
Makayla: How did you do?
Jack: All right. I mean, it could have been worse.
Makayla: But …?
Jack: I didn’t get the grades I need in maths or science.
Makayla: Oh no, bad luck. What are you going to do?
Jack: I don’t know. I’m not sure whether to retake maths and science or change my plans completely.
Makayla: But I thought you really wanted to do medicine.
Jack: No, it’s what my parents want me to do.
Makayla: OK. And what do you want to do?
Jack: I don’t know, exactly. I like history and languages. I got an A in French!
Makayla: Ah, that’s great! Maybe it would be better for you to do something like that at uni.
Jack: Even if I can get the grades I need in maths and science, I’m still not convinced about doing medicine.
Makayla: Mmm, well you have many talents, Jack, but maybe being a doctor isn’t for you.
Jack: No, it’s not. Although my parents aren’t going to be happy.
Makayla: Well, you need to make the right decision for you, even though they might not like it.
Jack: Yeah, you’re right. Maybe I should talk to them.
Makayla: You never know. They might be more understanding than you think.
Jack: Yeah! Aww, thanks, Makayla. Anyway, how are you?


Makayla: Oh, hi Jack. How’s it going?
Jack: Hmm, all r____ ... not great.
Makayla: Have you got your exam results?
Jack: Yeah …
Makayla: How did you do?
Jack: All right. I mean, it could h___ b___ worse.
Makayla: But …?
Jack: I didn’t g__ the grades I n___ in maths or science.
Makayla: Oh no, bad luck. What are you going to do?
Jack: I d___ k___. I’m not sure w______ to retake maths and science or change my plans completely.
Makayla: But I thought you really wanted to do medicine.
Jack: No, it’s what my parents w___ me t__ d__.
Makayla: OK. And what do you want to do?
Jack: I d___ know, e______. I like history and languages. I g__ an A i__ French!
Makayla: Ah, that’s great! Maybe it would be better for you to do something like that at uni.
Jack: E___ if I can get the grades I need in maths and science, I’m s____ not convinced a____ doing medicine.
Makayla: Mmm, well you have many talents, Jack, but maybe being a doctor isn’t for you.
Jack: No, it’s not. A_______ my parents aren’t going to be happy.
Makayla: Well, you need to make the right decision for you, even though they might not like it.
Jack: Yeah, you’re right. M____ I s_____ talk to them.
Makayla: You never know. They might be more understanding than you think.
Jack: Yeah! Aww, thanks, Makayla. A_____, how are you?


Have you ever had disappointing exam results? What advice would you give to Jack? 

Average: 4.5 (2 votes)
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Submitted by Annalise on Fri, 12/22/2023 - 14:10

For me , I ever feel disappointed to myself. I got bad result in my online class once. I did my best and I had pleasant emotion its time .When the result came out ,I can't believe myself .I got the lowest grades in my class ,you know .Its time ,I wanted to cry and I did ........I want to say to Jack is that follow your dream .You need to stand on yours feet ,not your parents .Every parents want their children happiness and they think if you'll be the doctor ,you will happy. That's why ,you need to say what you want to do and make happy to your parents with another ways .If you do like that , both of you guys will happy.

Submitted by SofiaBrazil12 on Tue, 07/19/2022 - 23:51

Yes, I already had bad results, even if a thought that I had studied enough to pass that exam. I would tell Jack to listen to what their parents have to say but don't let it decides what he will do in the end, because he should to choose what will makes him suscefull, but firstly, happy.

Submitted by Mariia on Sun, 12/25/2022 - 17:01

We should take some decisions in our life by ourselves. These decisions should not be made by our parents or anyone. We should aim at which we like the most. Then prepare ourselves to reach the goal of our life.

In reply to by SofiaBrazil12

Submitted by CocoLoco on Thu, 05/05/2022 - 15:56

I would advice jack to talk to his parents, they should understand him and help him in follow his dreams. He shouldn't worry about that parents might be angry because it is his life and only Jack can decide what he want to do

Submitted by Arivelde on Mon, 05/03/2021 - 15:52

Yes, once I've got a bad experience in a big exam, and it wasn't a very plesurable or nice experience. But for Jack I would say to him to follow his own dreams, not anybody else.

Submitted by Calvimontes on Mon, 02/15/2021 - 02:33

i would advise you to talk to your parents and tell them the truth. That his exams fared poorly and that he doesn't want to study medicine. He has to decide what he really likes. Their parents will ultimately undestand and support their child. It is his life and he has to decide what he likes because otherwise he will live frustrated and stressed for not having done what his heart dictates.
Profile picture for user Kostantinus

Submitted by Kostantinus on Wed, 01/27/2021 - 09:55

I've never had disappointing exams results, I just was late for an exam once, that's why I couldn't join the exam. That was really disappointing fact. It was a good lesson for me which have taught me to leave my home earlier if I want to get some place or to meet with someone in time. I would recommend to Jack following his dreams and doing what he is really enjoys in his life. In that case he will get a success. Good luck to you, Jack! Maybe one day I'll see you around!

Submitted by nimdini on Fri, 10/30/2020 - 13:42

not many times but some times i got disappointed with my results.I think Jack should select what he want and do it best what he had selected.

Submitted by Stasiia_Ukr on Mon, 10/19/2020 - 10:24

To make a decision what profession you want, you should know the answer for this question: What kind of work do am I enjoy? Good luck in choosing!

Submitted by Orgitohaxhi on Sat, 09/05/2020 - 12:41

Jack should do what's best for him

Submitted by Vuquan on Wed, 08/26/2020 - 13:39

Two years ago i have a bad result at the exam and i very sad. I think Jack must study more to have a good result.
Profile picture for user Xuka

Submitted by Xuka on Tue, 08/11/2020 - 16:23

Sometimes I also had disappointing exam results. The results were not as good as I expected. Each time like that, I feel a little sad and regretful. But after that, I encouraged myself to think more positively, study harder, do my exams more carefully next time. I just advised Jack that he should choose his career based on his passion. He's good at history and languages, so he can enroll in a university majoring in History or French or whatever major he wants to do. I believe Jack's parents will respect his decision.

Submitted by bloomybloom on Sat, 07/11/2020 - 15:59

Actually I have some disappointing exam results last year, especially in computer science, because I don't love it , so my advice for Jack is to keep going on what He likes , It doesn't matter what the others want us to be , everybody should be what he want to be , Even if jack had great notes on math and science , He will never be happy when He will be a Doctor, So I think we should do what we are comfortable in.

Submitted by Thapa01 on Mon, 06/15/2020 - 06:01

No, i never had disappointed in exam results. My advice for jack is that he only focus in his interest.

Submitted by Eng_learner on Mon, 07/29/2019 - 11:57

As for me, I took exams once and wasn`t disappointed because I prepared for them well. So, I would advise Jack to talk with parents and explain them that he doesn`t want to be in medicine and tell about his desires. I think they might understand and suppot Jack.

Submitted by labibaibnat43 on Wed, 04/10/2019 - 01:55

Yes I have had disappointing results in my life. But that doesn't stop me. I believe failture is the pillar of success. I worked hard and did my best. Thus I got good results also! Even better. I will advice jack not to lose hope. He should follow his passion. As he will be interested he will be able to do better in his job life. Don't be disappointed. Work hard and you will be able to pull of a better result. Best of luck!
Profile picture for user ahmmedur

Submitted by ahmmedur on Tue, 04/09/2019 - 17:40

As you know this is a very important time for taking the right decision, you should take your time. Parents are much experienced than us so we should take their advice but you know yourself better so connect the dots and make the right decision technically. Make sure that you are happy with that. I think you got the point.

Submitted by Muwaz on Tue, 04/09/2019 - 17:08

every person want that their parents will be happy by his activities.but our talent can perfect our activities.if we fill up our parents dream they will be fine but not happy because we can't give our best performance.so we should focus our target and anyhow complete it.success will come.Parents will be happy.

Submitted by Zubair on Tue, 04/09/2019 - 16:41

In this third world country like Bangladesh, we usually fulfill our parents dream without listening to our mind. But the result is not so good always. Because sometimes we are forced to take their decision and we go against our interest. And we study but we dont get the good resul. As it is complicated we should talk to our parents, and our parents should understand and listen to our mind. So can discuss and get to the right profession or subject where we show our interest. Same the thing jack also should do

Submitted by ashfaque11 on Tue, 04/09/2019 - 15:15

Bad results aren't not only disappointing but also they give us the spirit and inspiration to do better to work more harder because one bad result is not the end. Bad results really helped me in my school life .It helped me to do better. Choosing profession is a personal decision because if you don't enjoy or like your profession you won't be able to excel in it. Excelling in a profession requires passion and no one can force you to have a specific passion. So all of us should decide and talk to our parents about our passion and our aim

Submitted by Ragib on Mon, 04/08/2019 - 14:04

I think Jack should follow his passion.He should not choose a career which he does not like.Jack likes history and language but he thinks that his parents will be disappointed.Jack should discuss the matter with his parents and choose the correct path for himself.

Submitted by nabiha on Sat, 04/06/2019 - 21:06

Most of our parents want us to be an engineer or a doctor. But it's not necessary to become this.There are a lot of oppurtunities in our life.Actually the person should deside by himself what he wants to become in life..And the path of his dream would be more easier if his parents and dear ones support him.

Submitted by Ayon on Sat, 04/06/2019 - 18:42

I think if someone's passion becomes their profession then it will be nothing but enjoyment to him/her. On the other hand, if someone chooses a profession without his/her concurrence it will be a burden for him/her. Everyone must understand and appreciate it so that a person can be successful in his/her career.

Submitted by Nazifa on Sat, 04/06/2019 - 16:41

We should take some decisions in our life by ourselves. These decisions should not be made by our parents or anyone. We should aim at which we like the most. Then prepare ourselves to reach the goal of our life.

Submitted by Digonta on Fri, 04/05/2019 - 13:44

This is our life and a life is made of good and bad things. Everyone suffer in a bad time and a good time but we must utilize this time carefully or we will suffer in future. If we take the wrong decision it will suffer all our life. So jack should talk to his parents and choose the decision what he really wants and work hard for it.

Submitted by Aysha43_ on Fri, 04/05/2019 - 11:55

Yes! I have had multiple disappointing results in my life. But I don't regret it anymore. Because I think those results pushed me to work harder than ever. It changed my thinking. I tried harder and thus I got good results also! I will say it to Jack as an advice that life has ups and downs. It's totally up to you how to utilise it. You should put more efforts in medicine. Hopefully you will be able to smile in the next result day. Moreover I think you should pursue your career with what you like. Not what your parents want. Come on man. Look. you like languages that's why you've got an A in French. I'm sure your parents will support you no matter what happens. Good luck!

Submitted by Fairuz on Thu, 04/04/2019 - 19:57

That is surely a complicated situation for Jack. I can relate because my parents also want me to be a doctor which I don't want personally. Although I think he should think wisely about his own choice. Sometimes in life, we need to sacrifice a little to get something big.

Submitted by Muwaz on Thu, 04/04/2019 - 17:56

Its Beneficial.At the moment ,I have learn to know that How speak with My Friends about exam result.

Submitted by didar on Thu, 04/04/2019 - 15:07

sometimes our parents want us to do something that we really don't like...it often happens just because we are not free with our parents..if we tell them that what we want to do in future with an open mind, they will understand. we will have to tell them that we really don't have any interest in that work which they want us to do..and will have to tell about the work that we have interest..it's about our career and future..so we should take decision with proper discuss with our parents..that's all what I think..Thank you..

Submitted by Tanzim on Thu, 04/04/2019 - 12:29

Yes, I also think, our parents can be more understanding than our expectations sometimes and that's really amazing !

Submitted by Jarin on Thu, 04/04/2019 - 10:20

I thinks eveyone should chosse their aim accordingly to their likes and dislikes every parents have dreams with their kids but its our life we only got one if we fulfil our parents dream in this kife who will fullfil our dreams every parents should be supportive to their kids and they should give that freedom to fulfil their kids dream come true and even if we become what our parents want we will never be happy with our life we will regrade to the end of our life
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Submitted by Tutor on Wed, 10/03/2018 - 14:48

Have you ever had disappointing exam results? What advice would you give to Jack? A: Yes, I had had in math. But for me, I had changed my plan and took Bengali Literature. And I'm happy now with my subject. So my advice for Jack is he should take the real dicesion that will help him in future. What subject he likes the most and is good at this, he should take the subject and carry on with that. And don't be upset about it more.

Submitted by Monity on Wed, 04/03/2019 - 06:07

Wow .it's nice to see that u proceed in life...

In reply to by Tutor

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