Have got

Oliver and Alfie both love watching cooking programmes on TV. Just for fun, they are preparing to have their own ‘Master Chef’ competition at home.


As you watch the video, look at the examples of have got. They are in red in the subtitles. Then read the conversation below to learn more. Finally, do the grammar exercises to check you understand, and can use, have got correctly.


Daisy: I can’t wait to taste your Master Chef dishes! What a crazy idea, though, for you two to have a cooking competition!

Oliver: Well, it’s time to find out who really is the best chef!

Alfie: There can only be one Master Chef.

Oliver and Alfie: And this year’s Master Chef champion is...

Daisy: You two are crazy! Come on, I can’t stay long. I’ve got swimming practice at 7.

Oliver: OK, have you got the shopping list?

Daisy: Me? I haven’t got it, Ollie. It’s your competition, your recipe ... your list!

Oliver: Oh no, I left it in the kitchen. OK, no problem, I can remember it. We need tomatoes, onions, garlic ... oh no! They haven’t got any red chilli peppers. I really need them. It’s going to be a disaster!

Daisy: Don’t panic! I think we’ve got some at home. Hang on ... I’ll check with Mum.


Daisy: Hi, Mum!

Mum: Hi, Daisy!

Daisy: Have you got a minute?

Mum: Sure, is everything OK?

Daisy: Yeah, how’re things with you?

Mum: Not bad, I’m a bit tired, but we finish the trek tomorrow then it’s back to Bangkok and ...

Daisy: Listen, Mum, have we got any red chilli peppers at home?

Mum: Ummm ... yeah, I think so. Look in the back of the cupboard, where the tea and coffee are.

Daisy: Great. Thanks, Mum.

Mum: All right, love. Listen, I’ve got an idea for the weekend. How about going to ... oh Daisy ... I’m losing my signal. Let’s speak tomorrow.

Daisy: OK ... bye. Yes, we’ve got some at home.


Alfie: Have you got everything you need?

Oliver: Yes, I think so. You?

Alfie: Yep.

Oliver: You haven’t got much in your basket!

Alfie: No, but I’ve got all the inspiration I need ... up here!

Oliver and Alfie: And this year’s Master Chef champion is ...

Have got (have/has + got) is used to talk mainly about possessions or personal attributes.

Give me some examples, please.

Certainly, here you are:

I've got a new computer.
They haven't got any red chilli peppers.
She's got long, brown hair.
He hasn't got many friends.

So the negative is have/has + not + got?

Yes, but don't forget the contraction.

Daisy hasn't got her books yet.
You haven't got 50 p, have you?

Is has got only used for things?

No, it's also used for timetabled events or illnesses.

I've got swimming practice at seven.
Fred's got a terrible cold.

You can use have got for abstract things too.

I've got an idea for the weekend.
I've got all the inspiration I need ... up here!

Can I use have got in the past? For example: I had got a racing bicycle when I was younger.

No, it's only used in the present tense. For the past you use had without got.

I had a racing bicycle.

What about the question form?

You use have/has + subject + got.

Have you got everything you need?
Have we got any red chilli peppers at home?
Have you got a minute?

Hang on a minute, I've heard Do you have … ? a lot too.

Yes, have got is more used in British English and have is more American. The question and negative form is different with have – you need to use the auxiliary do/does.

I have two sisters. (American English)
Do you have change for ten dollars? (American English)
He doesn't have a clue about soccer. (American English)

You will hear British people use have as well as have got.

Anything else I should know?

In British English we use have got more in speaking and have more in writing – it's a little more formal.

OK, I've got it now!

Very clever! Yes, you can also use have got to mean 'understand'.


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Profile picture for user KemoF

Submitted by KemoF on Mon, 08/27/2018 - 13:26

I'm just wondering how often British people say "Do you have...?" instead of "Have you got...?". Rarely? Seldom? When a British meets an American, will they talk like this?? "Have you got a light?" --"Yes, I do." Is this grammatically correct? Can anyone tell me?
Profile picture for user Tina - Coordinator

Submitted by Tina - Coordinator on Tue, 08/28/2018 - 07:55

Hi KemoF,
'Do you have ...?' and 'Have you got ...?' are basically the same but 'Have you got ...?' is more informal and perhaps spoken more but you can use both of these phrases.
If you ask a question using 'Have you got ...? then you would reply 'Yes, I have or No, I haven't'.
Regards, Tina (LearnEnglish Teens Team)

In reply to by KemoF

Profile picture for user KemoF

Submitted by KemoF on Tue, 08/28/2018 - 13:45

Hi Tina, Thank you for your kind answer! I got it! By the way, it's interesting to know that 'Have you got...?' is more informal. I thought 'Do you...?' sounded more informal, besides, it's shorter, though... :)

In reply to by Tina - Coordinator

Submitted by Pippatwo on Fri, 06/08/2018 - 17:38

Some of my favorite pastimes for practicing have got to be watching English movies and Youtube channels, apart from this of course. Then I practice common words or phrases that are in them.
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