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The learning materials in the different sections on LearnEnglish are organised by English level based on the Common European Framework of Reference for languages (CEFR).

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Look at the email and do the exercises to improve your writing skills.

B1 writing
introducing yourself
Language level
B1 English level (intermediate)
Average: 3.9 (8 votes)

Look at this guide for tourists visiting California, then do the exercises to improve your reading skills.

B1 reading
Language level
B1 English level (intermediate)
Average: 3.1 (12 votes)

How is science and technology changing the way that music is being created and played? Read on to find out how some new software is helping musicians to keep the beat. 

science and technology
music industry
Language level
C1 English level (advanced)
B2 English level (upper intermediate)
No votes yet

It's quite easy this week. Do you know what it is? 

What is it?
Language level
A1 English level (elementary)
A2 English level (pre-intermediate)
No votes yet

What are they shouting about? Can you write a caption for these colourful clowns? 

Photo captions
Language level
A2 English level (pre-intermediate)
B1 English level (intermediate)
No votes yet

Do you need some cash? Are you looking for work? Well, look at these job adverts and do the exercises to improve your reading skills.

B1 reading
Language level
B1 English level (intermediate)
Average: 3.6 (10 votes)

Do you like spending time with your mates? How do you organise a night out? Look at the phone chat and do the exercises to improve your reading skills.

B1 reading
text message
mobile phones
Language level
B1 English level (intermediate)
Average: 3.1 (11 votes)

Here's another photo. What could it be this time? 

What is it?
Language level
A1 English level (elementary)
A2 English level (pre-intermediate)
No votes yet

What can we learn from worms? Find out by reading this article about how scientists are using worms in their research. If you want to know more about the research check out Worm Watch Lab which explains the experiments in more detail. 

Language level
C1 English level (advanced)
B2 English level (upper intermediate)
No votes yet

Are you really a good friend? Would you always be there when your friends need you? Try this quiz to find out!

B1 reading
Language level
B1 English level (intermediate)
Average: 3.9 (9 votes)

What happens if there's no natural snow at the Winter Olympics or other sporting events? Well, snow is made! Find out who is making the snow at the Winter Olympics in Sochi. 

Video zone
The Olympic Games
Language level
C1 English level (advanced)
Average: 1 (1 vote)

Richard leaves Oxford Street and the big shopping areas to find some interesting specialist shops and markets. We hear from a photographer who has his own market stall, and London shoppers tell us what they like.

Britain is Great
Language level
C1 English level (advanced)
No votes yet
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