Life around the world

Thursday, 29 November, 2012 - 20:44

The City of Angels

by SabrinaG


Bangkok is known as the City of Angels; after travelling there I can see how fitting this name is for their way of life. The city is covered with skyscrapers reaching up to the heavens and the only possible way to get around the city is by sky train. Trying to travel on ground level is almost a death wish; unfortunately I discovered this the hard way.

When I arrived in Bangkok I was instantly drawn to the famous tuk tuks, which were brightly coloured, motorised rickshaws. However I quickly discovered they were not for the faint-hearted. The only time I travelled by tuk tuk in Bangkok the driver decided he had better things to do than to waste time waiting in traffic. Instead he drove onto the other side of the road in order to overtake the traffic. I held on for my life as we swerved around the oncoming cars in a rickety tuk tuk with no sides! It seemed more like a rollercoaster ride than anything else!

After ruling out tuk tuk as a way of getting round the city I attempted travelling by taxi. However rush-hour in Bangkok seemed to last the whole day!  The traffic was at stand-still for miles so the journey took forever and cost an absolute fortune!

I realised my safest option was to return to the old-fashioned way of walking. Yet even this had its downfalls. I had to weave between pedestrians, beggars and street sellers whilst inhaling the constant car fumes. Little did I know, motorcyclists used the pavement as a way of avoiding traffic jams. As well as weaving through the human traffic, I had to listen out for oncoming motorbikes and dart out of the way as they rushed past.

My saviour finally came in the form of the sky train, which was simple to navigate and got you from place to place with ease. It was a complete transformation from the mayhem of street-level Bangkok to the City of Angels. 


What's the best way to get around your town or city? If you've visited Bangkok, do you agree with Sabrina? Why or why not?

Submitted by María Gómez Ginés on Mon, 01/16/2023 - 21:02

In my opinion, in any large city we can find difficulties when moving around. Although I think not as dangerous as there. You had a lot of difficulties to find a safer and calmer way to move, but in the end you got it. In Spain there is traffic, but it is much more regulated and I think it is safer to drive. You always have to be very careful, but as a general rule everyone tends to comply with traffic regulations. Even so, I think that there is no safer means of transport than our feet.

Submitted by on Sun, 01/15/2023 - 18:06

From my point of view, the best way to travel around my town is by walking. I don’t live on a huge and noisy city, so by walking, I can get everywhere without needing a car or even a bicycle. Apart from that, I also enjoy seeing the environment and jogging sometimes while going to places, it is such a fun thing to do!
If I were Sabrina, I would definitely use the mentioned sky train. Not only I’d avoid so many people walking on the streets, but I would also spend less time that I could dedicate doing other things. I hope I can visit Bangkok someday and check those sky trains with my eyes. Regards.

Submitted by ctorresr11 on Sat, 01/14/2023 - 18:54

From my point of view, I consider that the best way to move around my city is to use any means of transport, but people usually use the car.
I have never visited Bangkok, however, I agree with Sabrina, because it seems like a place where you can't use any means of transport because it's very dangerous or also it's very slow.

Submitted by hermione123 on Wed, 06/30/2021 - 03:16

I mostly use car. I mean, I don't drive. I never really use public transportation or walking which is actually not good for the environment. But, I don't think using public transportation here is totally safe. And walking doesn't seem safe also. The sidewalk is small, and there are beggars and punk kids.

Submitted by Sophie66 on Fri, 04/17/2020 - 03:08

I have never been to bangkok but it’s sounds really amazing. The best way to get around my town are take a walk or by bus. I agree with Sabrina, traveling by sky train seems simpler.

Submitted by cecizamora17 on Tue, 02/21/2023 - 19:38

I have never been to a megacity but it sounds really amazing. In my opinion I also would travel by sky train in such an enormous city as Bangkok because it must be too difficult and slow to move around by car or walking. Fortunately, in my city it’s very easy getting around. I think that the best way to move around my town is take a walk because I live in a small city.

In reply to by Sophie66

Submitted by Dzseni17 on Thu, 04/16/2020 - 19:55

I've read this post because of my teacher gave a task for me. I live in a little village so the simple way to get from A to B is on my own feet. There are one market, a medical station and a library. But I spend most of my time in Kaposvár. It's a city so there are more mode of transport. I usually use the bus transport to go to the city, but there I almost always walking everywhere because there are no long distances. It can be said everything is in one place. Sometimes if I had a hard suitcase I call a taxi for myself. But sadly it's really expensive. I've never be in Bangkok, but after I read this I would visit this city with pleasure.

Submitted by Keva17 on Thu, 04/16/2020 - 16:38

Hi Sabrina. I live in Kaposvár. This is a medium city in Hungary. We have a lots of travel possibility. The student usually use bus, but some use bicycle,skateboard,roller or simply walking. And who has driver license, they always go by car. I've never been in Bangkok, but i agree with you. You use the sky train. That's sound good.

Submitted by sajtospufi on Thu, 04/16/2020 - 16:34

Walking is the best way to get around my city because I live in a small city where lives about 2,500 people. So It's just a few streets and everyone knows everyone. And of course there is not as much sight here as in Bangkok. An interesting thing is that there are as many people living in Bangkok as there are in my country. I live in a small European country. I agree with Sabrina, because traveling by tuk tuk is a waste of time and tiring as well. If you are coriuos and you want to see every detail in Bangkok, for example monuments on the street, Thai shops, street foods or people's daily life then the best solution for you is walking I guess. Bangkok is huge and amazing so I would never miss the travelling by sky trains too.

Submitted by jazmin11F on Thu, 04/16/2020 - 11:40

I like your post about Bangkok. 3 In my opinion the best way to get know my little village is to walk, because you can see everything. I live in a village isn't far from Kaposvár in Hungary. I haven't been to Bangkok yet, but one day I want to go this city. I think one of the best thing is travelling to different countries, because you can get to know the lives of those who live there. :)

Submitted by Martinusz on Thu, 04/16/2020 - 08:45

I live in a small city so I don't really have a problem with the traffic. Also if the car is not avaible I can take the bus or just walk. I haven't been to Bangkok, so I can't really argue what you said.

Submitted by AndG11F on Thu, 04/16/2020 - 07:45

I think the best way to get around my city is you go on your foot. Because Kaposswar is a small city, there are a lot of things nearby, such as shops and schools. So you don't have to travel a long time and you can use side streets to make the journey shorter. I haven't been in Bangkok yet, but I agree with Sabrina based on what she said, because traveling by sky train seems simpler and more safer, while the other way to travel seems stressful and messy.

Submitted by GalDorina on Thu, 04/16/2020 - 07:40

Dear Sabrina, I have just read your post, I liked it so much. I have never been in Bangkok, my home is a little village in Somogy county in Hungary. You can get around by bike. I would like to go to Bangkok or somewhere else to gain experiance about big countries in the world. I hope I can go to your country and it would be great to meet with you. Dorina
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